This is how I hope we can manage this

If you got this far on my web you are most likely to book me and i'm really honored for that, but, there's some things you have to know before it.

I think searching for publicitary pictures of the most EMOTIONAL and PRECIOUS memories of you is some how steal the realness of te act, i want to tell YOUR STORY, through a RAW and EXPONTANEOUS prism

I want to CONNECT with YOU, your LOVED ONES, and all the CIRCUMSTANCES that revolves around this magical event, therefore i book just the amount of weddings that allows me to do that, you deserve someone who cares.

I'll just ask for two little things, ONE is that you trust my vision and let me explore all the possibilities your day have to offer... so don't expect the typical photos i'm sure we can do a lot better than that (yes, i'm still doing the photos you grandma ask me to do😁) and TWO is to focus on your experience, forget about the world, forget about me, don't pose your feeling let them be and express as they are.

If you like this point of view then !!!CONGRATULATION!! IT'S A MATCH.

"Let everything happen to you
Beauty and terror
Just keep going
No feeling is final"

—Rainer Maria Rilke